Beaglebone and TMP102 sensor example in python

In this article we look at the TMP102 digital sensor and we will connect it up to a Beaglebone

The TMP102 device is a digital temperature sensor ideal for NTC/PTC thermistor replacement where high accuracy is required. The device offers an accuracy of ±0.5°C without requiring calibration or external component signal conditioning. Device temperature sensors are highly linear and do not require complex calculations or lookup tables to derive the temperature. The on-chip 12-bit ADC offers resolutions down to 0.0625°C.

The TMP102 device features SMBus™, two-wire and I2C interface compatibility, and allows up to four devices on one bus. The device also features an SMBus alert function. The device is specified to operate over supply voltages from 1.4 to 3.6 V with the maximum quiescent current of 10 µA over the full operating range.

The TMP102 device is ideal for extended temperature measurement in a variety of communication, computer, consumer, environmental, industrial, and instrumentation applications. The device is specified for operation over a temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.


Parts List

Name Link
Beaglebone BeagleBone Black TI AM335x Cortex-A8 development BB-Black Rev.C
TMP102 TMP102 Digital Temperature Sensor Breakout Board Module 12-bit 1.4V To 3.6VDC Sensor Module Temperature Module
connecting wire Free shipping Dupont line 120pcs 20cm male to male + male to female and female to female jumper wire


Beaglebone Module
3.3v – P9.3 Vcc
Gnd – P9.1 Gnd
SDA – P9.20 SDA
SCL – P9.19 SCL


beaglebone and TMP102 layout
beaglebone and TMP102 layout


Modified example from

[codesyntax lang=”python”]

import smbus
import time

T_LOW_REG = 0x02
T_HIGH_REG = 0x03

ADDRESSES = [0x48, 0x49, 0x4A, 0x4B]

tempConvert = {
    'C': lambda x: x,
    'K': lambda x: x+273.15,
    'F': lambda x: x*9/5+32,
    'R': lambda x: (x+273.15)*9/5

tempConvertInv = {
    'C': lambda x: x,
    'K': lambda x: x-273.15,
    'F': lambda x: (x-32)*5/9,
    'R': lambda x: (x*5/9)-273.15
class TMP102(object):
    def __init__(self, units=None, address=0x48, busnum=2):
        units = units or 'C'
        if (address not in ADDRESSES):
            raise ValueError("Invalid Address: {0:#x}".format(address))
        self.address = address
        self.busnum = busnum

        self.bus = smbus.SMBus(self.busnum)

    def bytesToTemp(self, data):
        # Adjustment for extended mode
        ext = self.extractConfig(1, 4, 1)
        #ext = data[1] & 0x01
        res = int((data[0] << (4+ext)) + (data[1] >> (4-ext)))

        if (data[0] | 0x7F is 0xFF):
            # Perform 2's complement operation (x = x-2^bits)
            res = res - 4096*(2**ext)
        # Outputs temperature in degC
        return res*0.0625

    def tempToBytes(self, temp):
        # Temp MUST be converted prior to input
        data = [0 , 0]
        res = int(temp/0.0625)
        ext = self.extractConfig(1, 4, 1)
        if (res < 0):
            res = res + 4096 * (2**ext)
        data[0] = (res >> (4 + ext)) & 0xFF
        data[1] = ((res & (2**(4 + ext)-1)) << (4 - ext)) | ext
        return data

    def extractConfig(self, num, location=0, length=0):

        data = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.address, CONFIG_REG, 2)
        if (num == 3):
            #Full register dump
            return data
            mask = 2**length - 1
            return (data[num] >> location) & mask

    def injectConfig(self, setting, num, location, length):
        mask = (2**length - 1) << location
        setting = (setting << location) & mask
        data = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.address, CONFIG_REG, 2)
        data[num] &= ~mask
        data[num] |= setting
        self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(self.address, CONFIG_REG, data)

    def readTemperature(self, units=None):
        data = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.address, TEMPERATURE_REG, 2)
        tempC = self.bytesToTemp(data)
        units = units or self.units

            tempOut = tempConvert[units](tempC)
            raise ValueError('Invalid Units "' + self.units + '"')
        return tempOut

    def getUnits(self):
        return self.units

    def setUnits(self, units):
        if (units.upper() in 'RCKF' and len(units) == 1):
            self.units = units.upper()
            raise ValueError("Invalid Unit, must use C(elcius), K(elvin),"
                    "F(ahrenheit), or R(ankine)")

    def setConversionRate(self, rate):
        # 0 : 0.25 Hz
        # 1 : 1 Hz
        # 2 : 4 Hz (default)
        # 3 : 8 Hz
        self.injectConfig(rate, 1, 6, 2)

    def setExtendedMode(self, mode):
        # 0 : 12-bit ( -55C to 128C)
        # 1 : 13-bit ( -55C to 150C)

        self.injectConfig(mode, 1, 4, 1)

    def sleep(self):
        self.injectConfig(True, 0, 0, 1)

    def wakeup(self):
        self.injectConfig(False, 0, 0, 1)

    def setAlertPolarity(self, polarity):
        # 0 : Active Low
        # 1 : Active High
        self.injectConfig(polarity, 0, 2, 1)

    def alert(self):
        return extractConfig(1, 5, 1)

    def setFault(self, faultSetting):
        # 0 : 1 fault
        # 1 : 2 faults
        # 2 : 4 faults
        # 3 : 6 faults
        self.injectConfig(faultSetting, 0, 3, 2)

    def setAlertMode(self, mode):
        # 0 : Comparator Mode (Active within temp range)
        # 1 : Thermostat Mode (Active if over T_High, reset on read)
        self.injectConfig(mode, 0, 1, 1)

    def setBoundTemp(self, upper, temperature, units=None):
        units = units or self.units
        ext = self.extractConfig(1, 4, 1)
            temperature = tempConvertInv[units](temperature)
            raise ValueError('Invalid Units "' + self.units + '"')
        if (ext is 1 and temperature > 150):
            temperature = 150
        elif (temperature < -55):
            temperature = -55
        data = self.tempToBytes(temperature)

        if (upper):
            reg = T_HIGH_REG
            reg = T_LOW_REG

        self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(self.address, reg, data)

    def getBoundTemp(self, upper, units=None):
        units = units or self.units
        if (upper):
            reg = T_HIGH_REG
            reg = T_LOW_REG
        data = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.address, reg, 2)
        tempC = self.bytesToTemp(data)

            tempOut = tempConvert[units](tempC)
            raise ValueError('Invalid Units "' + self.units + '"')
        return tempOut

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    tmp = TMP102('C', 0x48, 2)

    # Actually, lets make the temperatures Farenheit

    while True:
        print "Current temp: {:.1f}degF".format(tmp.readTemperature())




Run the above code. You should see something like this

debian@beaglebone:/var/lib/cloud9/$ python
Current temp: 71.4degF
Current temp: 71.3degF
Current temp: 71.3degF
Current temp: 71.3degF
Current temp: 74.4degF
Current temp: 77.7degF



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