A look at the OPEN-SMART Rich UNO R3

The OPEN-SMART Rich UNO R3 is an ATMEGA328P development board with many components on board and the ability to connect an existing Arduino shield

Peripherals include 4 digit display, DS1307 clock, LM75 temperature sensor, infrared receiver, serial MP3 player, rotation angle sensor, 4-channel touch sensor. Hardware resources are very rich, you do not need any connecting wires, and the usage is very simple. It is very suitable for Arduino learners with many examples in the libraries located later on in this article

If you buy the full kit it also contains a TF card, a speaker, CR1220 battery, and an infrared remote control.

4 digit display: 4 digit tube (0.36 inches) which can display the clock point, it uses D10/D11 pins
DS1307 clock: this uses a DS1307 high-precision real-time clock module with a default I2C address of 0x68.
LM75 temperature sensor: I2C interface temperature senso with a default I2C address of 0x48.
Infrared receiver: uses D2 pin
Serial MP3: MP3 music player module is based on high-quality MP3 music chip, it uses D7 / D8 pins to be software serial port.
Potentiometer: 10K ohm adjustable potentiometer, uses A0 pin.
4 CHannel touch sensor: capacitive touch switch, uses pins (D3 / D4 / D5 / D6)


– Use Arduino UNO bootloader
– It is 100% compatible with Arduino UNO R3 program, expansion shields, IDE.
– Use type B USB connector, consistent with Arduino UNO R3, ruggedness and long service life.
– You can burn the program with the type A male to type B male cable.
– Onboard 500mA resettable fuse
– USB interface driver chip: CH340G
– Microcontroller: Atmel ATmega328P
– Working voltage: 5V
– I/O logic voltage: 5V
– Working current: 500mA (Max)
– Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
– Flash Memory: 32 KB of which 2 KB used by bootloader
– Clock Speed: 16 MHz
– Onboard DIP switch which allows you to select between th eonboard components mentioned earlier or an external shield
– Onboard Arduino Shield interface which allows you to plug your existing Arduino shields

Parts List


Name Description
OPEN-SMART Rich UNO R3 Rich Multifunction UNO R3 Atmega328P Development Board Kit for Arduino with MP3 /DS1307 RTC /Temperature /Touch Sensor module


The following displays the temperature from the LM75 on the 4 segment display example, it uses the libraries in the downloads

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

#include <Wire.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#include "RichUNOTM1637.h"
#include "RichUNOLM75.h"

LM75 temper;  // initialize an LM75 object "temper" for temperature

#define CLK 10//CLK of the TM1637 IC connect to D10 of Arduino
#define DIO 11//DIO of the TM1637 IC connect to D11 of Arduino
TM1637 disp(CLK,DIO);

void setup()
  Wire.begin();//you should run this function first, so that I2C device can use the I2C bus
  disp.init();//The initialization of the display

void loop()
  float celsius;
  celsius = temper.getTemperatue();//get temperature
  delay(1000);//delay 1000ms
/************************************************* *********************/
/* Function: Display temperature on 4-digit digital tube */
/* Parameter: -int8_t temperature, temperature range is -40 ~ 125 degrees celsius */
/* Return Value: void */

void displayTemperature(int8_t temperature)
  int8_t temp[4];
  if(temperature < 0)
		temperature = abs(temperature);
	else if(temperature < 100)temp[0] = INDEX_BLANK;
	else temp[0] = temperature/100;
	temperature %= 100;
	temp[1] = temperature / 10;
	temp[2] = temperature % 10;
	temp[3] = 12;	          //index of 'C' for celsius degree symbol.



Arduino libraries for Rich UNO R3

OPEN-SMART Rich UNO R3 Schematic



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